Brisket & Grits

The game continues!

My partner and I didn’t die a horrible death at the hands of goblins, so we decided to keep adventuring. We followed the road to the startup town of Phandalin, and have been helping out the local populace. We ran into a gang of thugs who tried to assault us, but we came out on top. Wish us luck as the adventure continues.

In the food-centric part of my life I reached a major achievement today. Some may even say I “leveled-up.” I cooked venison fat in a way that actually made it taste good!

Most people who have eaten venison before are familiar with the nasty coating that venison fat can leave on your mouth. Because of their lean diet, the fat that is present on venison is strange tasting. Applying low heat for a long time was the trick to making this venison brisket divine.

While I was looking through my cabinet I was struck with inspiration to cook grits. For me, grits need a spicy peppery sauce, or they’re just not as good. This sauce is made from Peruvian rocoto pepper paste. It’s spicy as all heck, but also delicious. I inoculated the sauce with lots of garlic and black pepper, and finished it with a touch of butter. Along with the braised chard, and a few natural 20’s on my dice, this meal was perfect.

Make sure to check out all of the recipes in the recipes tab.

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